Wednesday, November 15, 2006

WE.NV.15.2006. walking

Windy night... leaves everywhere... sunlight making bold marks on the pavement...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006



walking... loud noise penetrating my iPod earphones... elderly neighbor comes around the corner of his house with a leaf blower, huge ear protectors, and a broad, tranquil grin on his face... a new toy...

I remember 1990, Scotland, the Orkneys, a fall festival... a farmer has resurrected an ancient steam engine, some hoary piece of farm equipment... he has it fired up and cranking out a lovely bass "whump... whump... whump..." and a group of 5 or 6 grey haired men are standing near it, eyes closed, with broad, tranquil grins on their faces...

further on, Dylan on the earphones... passing an old house being updated to the new owner's needs... train whistle and skil-saw blend with Dylan... I love that about these loose fitting earphones...
